published by association CHAMBRAMIE

Retour au sommaire des locations de vacances

General terms

The transactions are done freely between the owners and the private individual-hirers out without intervention of CHAMBRAMIE


Adding an advertisement in directory BEAUGITE.COM of Chambramie

- Association CHAMBRAMIE keeps the right to refuse to insert any advertisement not respecting its criteria or suceptible to carry reached to its interests
- the owner publishes his advertisement under his own responsibility. He commits himself to check the contents of the advertisement published on line and pointing out at once any noted anomaly
- In the event of anomaly in the advertisement published compared to the request for publication, the owner can obtain the modification of this advertisement
TARIFFS directory BEAUGITE.COM of the hirings of holidays (per annum) Reserved to the private individuals
At the 1/1/2004 the tariffs are fixed as follows:
- basic Advertisement with description and two photographs maximum (Tariff for launching): 20 euros
- Additional option/insertion of photographs:
............. 1st and 2nd photographs: included/understood in fixed price-insertion
..............then 5 euros by additional photograph (if downloaded) or 10 euros (if transmitted by port)
- Publication of a links towards your personal Website (URL): 10 euros
- modification of an advertisement (price unit: 5 euros)
- modification of a photograph (price unit: 5 euros)
- suppression of an advertisement: free (any removed advertisement, then reintegrated will be the subject of invoicing of a modification, plus usual tariff of the options)
The invoicing is carried out for one 12 months period as from the date of insertion
By exception, any insertion carried out before the 01/06/04 will profit from a 14 month validity
In the event of request for suppresion of an insertion, no refunding could be claimed for the period not used
For application of these general conditions, and for any litigation, the courts of Saint-Etienne (FRANCE) will be qualified

The announced prices are without Taxes : Non applicable VAT, article 293 B of the French General Tax Code

TARIFFS directory BEAUGITE.COM of the hirings of holidays (per annum) Agencies, hotels and professionals
Fixed price announces, with 6 photographs maximum: 110 euros (for 12 months)
Other options : Ask

CHAMBRAMIE Association "French law of 1901"

Registered office and postal adress : Association CHAMBRAMIE - 23 Allée de Jussieu - 42000 Saint-Etienne - FRANCE Electronic-address: